I try to bear in mind that it isn't usually the little purchases that drag down a household budget. Far more important is how big a house you buy, how expensive a car you drive, where you send your kids to school. 我努力让自己记住,拖累家庭财务的,不是那些零碎的花费,比这些花费更为重要的是你买多大的房子,开多贵的车,还有把孩子送到哪间学校上学。
Give yourself an allowance for each month for unplanned purchases, and do not allow yourself to go over your budget. 每月给自己定一个购买计划外物品的额度,不要允许自己超过预算。
Finally, without Chinese purchases of US Treasury bills ( on the back of its FX intervention), the US would not be able to run budget deficits of 10 per cent of GDP, a fiscal position that underlies its massive current account deficit. 最终,如果没有中国来购买美国国债(在进行外汇干预之后),美国将无法承担占到GDP10%的预算赤字&这是其巨额经常账户赤字背后的财政状况。
Water heaters: If major purchases are in your budget, consider a tankless, on-demand water heater. 如果你负责购买家里的主要物品,可以考虑买一个无箱立即响应式热水器。
But governments could come to rely on such purchases to finance budget deficits. 然而各国政府也可能依靠这样的购买来为财政赤字融资。